Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Evolution.part 1

Right guys..I'm back..this post is a little late..some embarrassing technical errors..well..I figured I'd continue blogging while I still actually bother to do so...lets get on..topic for the day : Evolution..Evolution..hmm..this word probably reminds you guys of the famous evolutionary biologist..Charles Darwin..the forefather of all theories regarding evolution..his theories were..well..I don't know how to put it...they were basically about man evolving from apes..going on to the neanderthal and on and on to where we are right now..yep..judging from the current state of the world..Darwin would be amazed to find that a certain community of be polite..humans..have not entirely evolved from the early primate stages..and this fascinating community of people are found in the various countries..Indonesia..Malaysia and well..even small ol' Singapore..what(it disgusts me to refer them as who) am I talking about ? The malays of course ! This well..'race' has one of the most revolting..loathsome and everything else of extreme negativity organisms EVER ( note the emphasis)..excluding the is simply amazing how they actually manage to survive in this modern world without being wiped out and instead..they actually thrive ! Then again..their cousins..the rodents..the rats..thrive in this world too..its amazing how they(referring to the malays AND rats) thrive in extreme filthy conditions.My thoughts on how they manage to survive ? Hyperfast lightspeed reproduction.An example of the daily life of a malay family..(with the assumption that they are muslims)They wake up in the morning while the whole world is still asleep make a ruckus with their morning prayers..go back to sleep..wake some telly...or listen to the radio..(I'm referring to the slightly wealthier portion of the community) either that..or they just simply laze don't have jobs..ask yourself..would you hire neanderthals ???????????????????????????? DEFINITELY NOT.Unless you're looking for a road sweeper or toilet cleaner of course..then again..they would at the bottom rung of the unemployed community ladder..making it impossible for them to actually get jobs..pardon me..I digress..continuing on..its probably 11 in the morning where some action actually happens in the house..Male malay : I'm bored.Female malay : Me too.Male malay : lets f***!Female malay : lets go !after 3 minutes.(:D)Male Malay : that was fun !Female Malay : that was fast !after 30 secondsMale malay : I'm bored.Female Malay : Mee too.Male malay : lets f*** !!Female malay : lets go !!*repeat process till exhaustion is evident*11.00 P.MThey begin to prepare the expedition to rummage rubbish for food at the nearest rubbish collection centre.THATS IT !! Thats their secret weapon !! The females get pregnant so often they can't even be bothered to go to the hospital to give birth.Instead,they give birth at home,and if the family member count exceeds the number of people able to cram into the rubbish collection centre.Offsprings are then abandoned at randomly selected spots within the be continued.sorry guys..its already 12 Midnight..gotta catch some back tomorrow with part 2 !! Thanks for taking the time to read..goodnight..PS: to the malay who's fuming at everything I've actually know how to kick yourself in the balls..(if you know where their actually located)'ve done the world a favour..thats one more malfunctioning reproduction machine gone..
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