Tuesday, May 31, 2005
I think I'm going to close this blog down..sheesh..its totally impossible to post stuff up everyday..I'm just typing this for the sake of people who actually bother to visit this page..okay..lets go then ! Right..how many of you actually stop each day to ponder about your life ? Where you're heading..whether you'll survive the day..the year..the week..the month..how many of you out there actually DO plan for the future ? Or are you guys well..as a friend of mine said.."Living for the moment..". Basically,just waiting for the day you die.Do you guys think about such stuff ? What would happen if you just well..get hit by a car..struck by lightning ( This,I'm afraid.Clearly,I'm not the favourite mortal of the OH-SO-MIGHTY-ONE up there)..get your head sliced off..choke on food..drown yourself while washing your face..yeah..all these might just happen to you one day,putting it in a nutshell,YOU MIGHT JUST DIE ONE OF THESE DAYS.Heck,thousands of people die daily and you or me might just be one of them tomorrow.The million dollar question is,how would the lives of the people around you be affected ? Would your best friend/friends mourn for you ? Or even,rejoice over your death ?Have you been a good friend ? Would your family mourn over your death ? Of course,you may say,they would mourn over my death ! They're my family for christ's sake ! Well,true enough,they might mourn over your death,but while you were alive,did you bring more pain than joy to their lives ? Would they remember you for as long as they lived ? Would the world remember your death ? Or will your death fall into the pages of history,forgotten by all?After you die,would everything come to an end ? Do you just wither away and die ? Does your soul go to heaven ? Or Hell for that matter.What would heaven be like ? Do we all have halos over our heads and be strumming harps and singing 24/7 for eternity ? Or in hell,are our bodies casted into the lake of fire and burn eternally ? How long is eternity ? How long is forever ? Wouldn't heaven be boring if we sang and strummed harps forever ? Whats there to enjoy in life if we don't have a spark of naughtiness within everyone of us ? Wouldn't life in heaven be boring without sins ? So many questions,so little time,and we would never know the answers till the day we choke on colgate while brushing our teeth,froth at the mouth and then die a horrible death.I'll leave you here to ponder over these questions.And the next time I post something,lets hope you're still alive to read it.Or rather,we'll hope that I actually live to type the next post. Alright then,see you aroundmotherfuckers.
Friday, May 13, 2005
10 Things.
Okay..I'm back..I was thinking about these stuff..I was thinking about what I would want to do before I die..I've thought about them carefully and here goes.WARNING READER:The contents which follow this warning are of explicit and candid content.Read at your own risk.That being said..lets go ! In order of importance.10. Okay..I want to screw a japanese AV actress..lets see..how bout...how bout..Sora Aoi..YEAH..Go check her up..she's practically on fire..9. Alright..my sexual fantasies categories fulfilled..its on to..hmm..I'd want to jump off a building..like a 40 storey one..off the roof..with chutes of course..derf..8.I want to kill every single butch I see on the street..with my bare hands..well..knives are acceptable too..so are guns..but I want to do it as messily as possible..like rip their hearts out..7. hmm...lets see..I want to shoot every and I mean EVERY single boyband out there..line em up..assign each a dog..and let the dog fuck them right up every single one of their sorry asses..then shoot em..6.I want to smoke like 1000000 cigarettes before I die..like I want to hit that quota...I wonder if I'll ever live that long to smoke that much..5.I want to assasinate some important person with a sniper rifle..come on guys..we all want to hold a sniper rifle and actually shoot someone with it..4.I want to drive a car.Simple.3.I want to fly a plane into Mecca when like 2 million muslims are there on a pilgrimage trip..and crash it there..AND come out alive..2.I want to kill EVERY,I MEAN EVERY single malay person out there.Even with 0.000001% of malay blood in them,they'd have to die.I really want to do this.Of course,I'd want to come out of it alive to do my next thing.1.AND FOR THE MOST IMPORTANT THING I WANT TO DO IN MY LIFE BEFORE I DIE..honestly ? I haven't thought about it yet.HEH.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
God.The issue everyone thinks about but no one daring to talk about.
Its been a long time since I posted something,I've been lazy.Right.Anyway,topic for the day.GOD.What does God mean to you ? To most people,he's an omnipotent being who is apparently in control of the lives of every single one of us 'mortals'.He is the uber-powerful 'dawg'(lol..couldn't resist that). He can do just about ANYTHING you could ever imagine.Yes,he could make you lick your elbows if he actually wanted you to do so.Nothing impressive ? Try licking your elbows.NOW.I'll wait.There ! See ? You can't do it.Well,GOD could make you do it if he wanted you to.Well,first things first,how do we know that he's a guy ? Or if he even has a specific gender ? Is he really a guy ? (if he is a guy,it explains how men are smarter than women,HEH.sorry girls,that was unintentional.Just having some fun). Right,how do we know that in reality,God exists ? Even if he does,how do we know that he's not just a big feathery chicken ? Or a huge slobbering piece of SOMETHING ? Why does he have to be some old guy with white hair and a huge white beard ? In a 'sarong' and wearing sandals ? (LOL).The above statement wasn't meant to be offensive to the Christians out there,but how do we know for sure that God actually exists ? Is there really someone perfect out there who is in control of our lives and watching our every move ? Talk about voyeurism.Christians claim that God loves everyone no matter whatever evil deed they have done,no matter what they have said.But if he really is in control of everything,why do innocent people have to die by the millions for no reason and the bad guys get away with everything ? Is that really what its meant to be ? Personally,I can't think of any reason why nice people die and people of the lowest degrees live and thrive.In my opinion,God doesn't really exist.He just exists within the minds of some people who fabricate an omnipotent being from their imaginations.Someone who can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.Someone whom they can put all the blame and shove all responsibility of everything which happens to them onto.I think,that it is just something psychological.Everyone claims of someone who can perform miracles when in actual fact is simply just coincidence. But due to the human character which is unable to slot any miraculous situations into the logical state of mind which everyone of us posseses,we are unable to accept anything happening,especially incredible occurences just simply by coincidence.Therefore,humans simply create an imaginary character and claim that everything happens for a reason and therefore,God is the reason why incredible things like miracles or disasters of astronomical degrees happen.There,thats my opinion on God.Something insanely huge happened to me today and I am questioning God's existence and why it had to happen.Leading to this post.Thought of the Day : What would you do if you went to heaven,entered the Pearly Gates only to find out that Jesus is a Feathered Chicken ?Adios.