Thursday, September 15, 2005
About Me
- Name: Chinapore
- Location: Kotaraja, Singapore
Hi Gan Huai Shi, surprise! On discovering that comments made on your sites are deleted by you as you see fit, we decided to replicate your articles for others to freely express themselves here. We'll take you head on... Gan Huai Shi, you are welcome to read what you have written and swallow them here as suicide bomber. We'll give you reality! BTW, we have a few surprises in store for you. We certainly have alot to say about chinese in Singapore... We would strongly encourage all muslims around the world and the Indigenous of South-East-Asian-Region or Isear to voice out your opinion of Gan Huai Shi's articles as we see fit. Lets not talk about 'Jihad', too sensitive, misunderstood word.
Previous Posts
- Dua dituduh hasut melalui 'blog' berbau perkauman
- Koh : Antara lain dikatakan menimbulkan kebencian ...
- Ahem.Hello all.
- A Reassessment on MY Theory of Evolution
- My Quit Smoking Campaign.
- Food for thought.
- The thing which separates me from you mortals.
- We can all go to hell.
- 10 Things.
- God.The issue everyone thinks about but no one dar...
If Gan and the likes think that they are so good, why don't they go back to china and see if they can make their lives there. After all, they are chinese and belong in china. No, I think they could not make their lives in china. Simply because their likes just procreate & procreate until the land can't sustain them any longer which necessitates them to eke out their lives as vagabonds in other people's land.
Malays don't need to do this. We simply makes our lives in our land. We don't say, 'come everybody, fengshui says the mouth of the dragon is yonder, let's go get the treasure!' and go on to say that this is our country and this is where we belong.
I mean, china is thousands of kilometers away. This region is malay kampung, so how can a chinese say this is their country where they belong? Who are they fooling? They went further and conceal all things Malay to show the world that this is country is chinese . They even try to change the national anthem and do not encourage the learning of the national language.
They corrupt Malay names like Bukit Permai (scenic hill) and Tanjung Belayar (cape where ships set sail) to Bukit Purmei and Tanjung Berlayer.
They teach the children that all Singaporeans are migrants. How could you say Malays are migrants if Singapore is part of the Malay backyard?
malay in malaysia are all theives.. they come to malayan and stolen the land from the true owner of the land ... forced them into the jungle... they dont even have their own written words ... so they stole the a,b,c from whiteman and arabic wordings from arabs... dressing like them... hate westernisation but love arabnisation... f-u-cking shameless
Your stupidity in History is showing, you say "malay in malaysia are all thieves...they come to malayan and stolen the land...". Where did the Malays come from if not the Malay Archipelago and is not Malaysia and Singapore [part of this Malay Archopelago??? Your racism is based on utter ignorance and bigotry. Go and read real History books. Historical and Geographic facts have shown that it is you who is naked and shameless.
I wish to point out that the Orang Asli, not the malays, are the original inhabitants of Malaysia. Most of the malay Malaysians came from Sumatra and other parts of Indonesia. They only migrated here much earlier than the Chinese and Indian Malaysians. It does not mean they deserve privileges or rights just because they were the pioneer immigrants.
It is true that there have been abuses under the name of malay special rights and it is the duty of the malays in particular, and all Malaysians in general, to stop it so that the rightful malays get their rights, and the non-malays get their rights as citizens of this country.
It's a sad thing to say, but I do believe the main thing that's holding back malays is not the Chinese or the Indians, but the malays themselves. That's why Dr M and Pak Lah have been quoted as telling to throw away crutches and work hard to face the challenges of globalisation.
The malay and others of the same mind should learn to stand on their own feet rather than claim for special privileges and rights. The world is becoming globalised and if they don't change their attitude, they will only become beggars in their own country.
As for the malays who insist on hiding behind the veil of malay special rights - you have lost the respect of non-malays a long time ago.
We also suspect that the current situation will, unfortunately, get worse if no action is taken now. Why? Because our kids in school hardly mix with each other. They will grow up with little understanding of their fellow Malaysians, and with the suspicions that exist, it will be worse.
The truth of the matter is that polarisation in Malaysia is caused by the discriminatory practises of the government - especially after the NEP - rather than vernacular education.
The NEP is upheld for the rich and not the poor in Malaysia.
Whether we admit it or not, the problem is that the special rights and privileges given have now resulted in only a selected few bumis getting richer and richer. The bulk of the bumis, especially in the rural areas are not benefiting from the system.
Poor people are poor people, rich people are rich people - no matter which race they come from.
The poor in Malaysia must be served but I am sure all taxpayers feel that this should be done in a manner which is blind to age, ethnicity, gender and religion.
What's wrong with extending help to all deserving citizens based on needs and merits regardless of race?
The Malaysian problem is that rich do become richer. And because of the political system, the players are the same.
Out of control - this is all I can say about any type of enforcement and the level of corruption in Malaysia. No idea what Pak Lah has done in his first year in office but judging from the ground, I guess nothing much.
If you have ever heard of the simple saying, "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime," you will realise that many non-bumis have learned how to fish but the government is still handing out fishes to the bumis. One day the fish will run out.
If you want to say discrimination is here in the US, yes, of course it is. Can you name a country where it doesn't happen? But let me tell you one thing - if you go looking for it, you will find it. But in Malaysia, you don't have to go look for it because it seeks you out, slaps you in your face every which way you turn, and is sanctioned by law!
Official figures have more than one million Chinese Malaysians emigrating over the past 25 years. Why did they emigrate? I am sure the government knows.
For most professionals, living abroad has its own ups and downs. But, you get dignity, fair treatment, and respect for your ability. You get a voice, too. And ears to hear you.
Brain drain by the tank-loads is what we get. Every single year, Malaysia loses people who could potentially contribute to the country immensely.
So the malay, you may keep your rights and perpetuate them. Such things are archaic. Who loses in the end? Your country, which should have been a first world one by today.
I sympathize with those that have benefited from the NEP, but the bad news is that the price he pays for his progress is much higher than what he pays for his benefit.
These special privileges and rights were once a necessity for them to move forward. Today, after many decades, they find themselves still standing in the same place.
It is a shame that our history has been constantly twisted so that our younger generation has no understanding of Malaysia's foundation and its true aspirations.
It is arguable that if not for the contributions of the Chinese and Indian Malaysians who helped in the development of this country tremendously, Malaysia would probably be in same category like Indonesia or the Philippines, if not worst.
To improve the malays' lot, more have to be made to work in private companies where competition is real and what counts is your ability. If special rights only help malays to become government servants, then all the more reason not to invoke special rights.
But of course, the present ruling elite drunken with wealth, will continue to fight this dream to ensure that Malaysia is kept divided so that BN can continue to rule.
Alternatively, Malaysians may begin to realise the dream of a new Malaysia.
The bitter truth is that the majority of this nation don't see the need to change things yet and until then, we can do little about it.
The bottom line with present day globalisation is this: compete on a level-playing field or you will lose. Plain and simple.
Chinese Propaganda :
Chinese Garden, Channel 8, Channel U, Chinese Radios, STPB, PAP, Chiam See Tong, Haw Par Villa, NTUC, SBS, Community Centres, RCs, Non Chinese MPs, SAF, Airforce, Police, CD, Navy, ISD, CDAC, Mediacorp, Channel News Asia... anymore? of course there are more but the non chinese are scared of getting caught. Our lips are tight... Feel Sorry for the Indeginous and the Sultan of Singapore's relatives. Hidup Segan Mati Tak Mau. Sound of Silence...
letter to malay pig and malay rubbish -------------------
We can't change it politically, you are wrong. We will.
Once this country is run by terms of equal rights, where each citizen play by the rules and regulations of total fairness, then we shall see where the malays will stand.
Right down at the bottom? Most probably, yes! Not only the non-malays will agree, the whole world would probably agree as well. In fact some malays will agree this as well.
The only thing that all of us can see, whether you are a Malaysian, or non-Malaysian, is that the malays here will never change. Not now, never will.
Your level of intelligence and pathetic sense of judgement depict not only how truthfully and incompetently low life beings you are, crawling at the lowest level of the human hierarchy, begging for alms, practically putting all your grotesque clown-butt ugly faces in front of the world, self-admitting that even maggots feasting on a pile of dung, looks and sounds much much better.
You defense on your own race, will not conclude anything, but strengthen the fact that even your pure existence in this very world of civilized human beings, is worse than the thought of having an incest driven rapist over for dinner.
Ponder upon this, there is no point defending for yourselves, save it. The fact and all the truth speak louder than just stupid farts coming out from your infested mouth fueled by your retarded brain.
To be honest, how naive you are with your pointless talk, we can see it in every glory in your statement here. In fact by calling you stupid, would be the most insulting thing by being stupid. Have you ever heard of the word opposition?
Think my friend, if there is no such thing as bravery to challenge the government face to face, why would oppositions be there?
By now, your retarded brain must be struggling, thinking, hey what is the point of oppositions if they are not effective enough to fight against the government? Good question.
One word - CORRUPTION.
The rest of the picture, I will also leave it up to you.
The real cowards in Malaysia are the group of people who survive under bogus unfair rights, fictional promises which only rat testicles will believe they are true.
The same group of people who destroying the country with their own social menace, incest activities, drugs, materialistic punks with brain the size of a chicken shit, etc.
The same group of people who are spoilt by unreasonable, pointless, total waste of time support from the government. Which even that, on that very constant support, they are still licking their own balls, nursing their injury, shamelessly.
And still as of yet, presently and logically categorized as the POOREST class citizens who only survive by politically sucking other people's hard earned benefits.
The same group of people who idolizes external portrayal of physical goodness, but mentally and reality, are bunch of idiotic hypocrites nothing better than a rottening pair of pig's testicles. Even the maggots would think twice of devouring such a distasteful crap.
I am sick and tired of saying this over and over again. I honestly believe, that every single malay individuals in this country, within their very heart, and best interests, know where they stand. They know right from the start, that they can't win in a fair and equal environment.
Their fictitious pride and ego made them proud of their weakness, never ever have the guts to admit their weaker side.
And how do you think they survive? By playing dirty. And most of the time, very very dirty. To those malays who are successful, trust me, they are not pure malays. They are even embarrassed by the fact that they are malays.
Still think and insist malays are for perpaduan? fair? got integrity and dignity?
The only way to have perpaduan is: you motherf***ker stripe your own babi status and come to term with other races on level playing field............that is what we call a step towards perpaduan..............!
We are all Malaysians, why not? What is your problem??????????
Now the answer to this I leave it to you to think. How you want to think it with your level of stupidity, I have truly no idea.
This malay pig race is so stupid, that they'd never amount to anything in this world.
This message board has been here for awhile, and if anyone goes back, there is no one message, that talks good about this stupid malay pig race, because everybody knows how stupid, and hateful this malay pig race is all about.
The malay pig will crumble from internal weaknesses and disappear in era of need for others to colonize them.
Because malay pig like to be parasites and feed on the Chinese's income tax!
Wait until the malay pig population increase to 90% in Malaysia, the same ratio as in Indonesia, then you will know the meaning of poor, as there will be too many malay pig to subsidize.
Then the economy collapse.
The malay pig are actually digging their own grave and they are trying to dig a deeper and bigger one now..........
But all of them I have to see are being manipulated by certain top malay politicians so they will support them........
There show that the general malay pig are quite stupid and can't think outside the box..…....
Only 1% of the malay pig can make it and they are the exception. If malay pig are not stupid, what are they?
If all malay pig jump into sea and all die!
This world will become very very beautiful.
First of all, are we (the non-malays, that is) really to believe that the government will abolish or tone down the New Economic Policy in the near future? We must be realistic, if you have the right to buy a property at a discount and have scholarships for your children, would you let go of these rights?
With Chinese population dwindling in Malaysia, what needs to be done depends on the Chinese themselves.
There is nothing wrong with the brain drain. In fact, we should encourage our children to move to Singapore, Taiwan, China etc, if we disagree with Malaysian government policies that are based on race and religion.
When it comes to the matter of the dwindling number of Chinese Malaysians, we should talk about quality, not quantity.
We should resolve why the Chinese-Malaysian population is reducing. Official figures have more than one million Chinese Malaysians emigrating over the past 25 years. Why did they emigrate? I am sure the government knows.
Straight A students can't get scholarships or university places. Nothing new, it is been that way for the past 35 years. Nowadays, even enlightened malay Malaysians are speaking up on this injustice. The MCA and Gerakan? Busy making money from private colleges.
What is so great about having TAR College or Utar which took more than 35 years of begging? Why should it be so difficult to set up an independent university when we have scores of public ones?
While we push young talented people away, other countries notably Singapore, the US and Australia welcome them with open arms.
Is it logical that we drive away our young talented ones and then invite retired Mat Sallehs to live here and exploit our low-cost of living?
Singapore's success in particular owes much to these ex-Malaysians or their descendants including Hon Sui Sen, Goh Keng Swee, Goh Chok Tong, just to name a few.
About 30 percent of top management in both Singapore's government and corporate sector are ex-Malaysians. We export them so that Singapore can compete with, and then whack us.
Korea and Taiwan, both way behind us in the 70s and 80s are now way ahead. Thailand is breathing down our necks.
Sadly, there is just no integrity in the nation's leadership.
Yes, a lot of non-malays in Malaysia are leaving this country. But what the hell, they (babiputras) don't care. They are happy that we leave.
I do agree with you of those you mentioned, our country is stepping backward, we are loosing in all aspects and yet overdue and retard ministers are still available on shelf. The ministers think that they are the only ones capable and qualified to be there and not replaceable, otherwise the country could collapse.
Looking at Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq likes looking at this country future. The well-connected bumis are getting richer. This government is spoon feeding the bumis at this nation expense. I am sick of this country too.
My advise is let them rot in their own stew.
The Barisan government has achieved 0% in reversing the trend of racism.
While South Africa has disbanded racism through the government's initiative after the global news onslaught, our Malaysia government leaders are propagating RACISM and FACISM in every way.
In term of racism, we are the most uncivilised country in the world. Look into our neighbouring countries of Asia, they are advancing economically on a straight forward objectives, for their citizens.
Whereas, we are moving in deviationist path, widely off the international economic theory, for the sole objective of propelling the well being of a supreme race.
Mahathir era is over, here we have Badawi. Is he changing the trend? Not a single sign of it! How about the future under Nazib?
Sad, sad. They have more camouflage in readiness.
Hasn't anyone realised that they (babiputras) prefer that Chinese just emigrate, so they can have the country for themselves? At least that is what they think.
I know, you will say that after the departure of the one million Chinese from Malaysia, the brain drain, there is less wealth in Malaysia, but all the same they would rather we are not there. They see us as sharing their cake, not the actual fact of us creating a bigger cake for all.
Still, from talking to other Chinese in Malaysia, they still prefer NOT to migrate, they'd rather being discriminated against, being second or third class citizens, being bullied, and continue to vote them (babiputras) into power.
Granted, some do not qualify to emigrate, especially to a western country. But ALL the ones I talked to they DO qualify, yet they prefer the comfort zone. And there are countries treating us Chinese more fairly and the migration policies are more lenient.
Can anyone explain such mentality? If that is not stupidity, you tell me what it is.
No wonder already one million Chinese left Malaysia - they are not only fed up with babiputras but also the attitude of their own race.
The malay pig have drawn up a plan to displace all non-malays. They are discriminating against all non-malays. More and more non-malays are leaving.
You know why he/she need to leave……….? It is all because of those idiots who voted for the pig government to chase those talents out of this country.
This scenario would stay.
They would prefer to remain backward, so long as they are in control over you and me. I think they enjoy seeing non-malays 'begging' all the time.
Even though they are left far behind Korea, Taiwan and now Thailand is coming up strong. To them these are not competitors. In their narrow mind, the 'enemies' are local non-malays. Must suppress, by all means.
All malay pig are programmed to be promoted much faster ahead of non-malays the moment they join University Malaya. Soon University Malaya will be dominated by malay pig and the ranking will slip further.
Most of the malay pig in Malaysia cannot think clearly, their thinking and mind are clouded by such things as comfort zone, frog-in-a-well syndrome, ignorance, racial pride, stubbornness, etc.
According to a recent study through secret agency, Nihon himitsu oruganitsum bureau, shows that malays were descended from the hybrid between boar/hog and baboon, hence explains why they look like baboon and they don't eat pork.
Our latest DNA analysis confirmed the fact.
The Japanese, Europeans etc, all eat pork, so does that mean they are all dirty and only the Arabs and malays are clean?
These malays have no brains to think properly.
The secret agency study also finds that Muslims are more violent, lazy, cunning and barbaric due to the lack of pork in their meals and the wrong doctrine.
They had been misled by Quran for generations which was copied and twisted by Muhammad from Holy Bible just to control his followers so that they don't harm their same species/ancestor (the hybrid between boar/hog and baboon).
I emigrated to the UK from Malaysia as a child after the infamous riots where was 35 years ago and things have not changed much.
It is common to read in the Malaysian tabloids that these uncivilised malay buggers rape their own daughters and perform other disgusting acts.
I have no regrets at all when I surrendered my Malaysian passport and took up British nationality.
My advice to all oversea Chinese is to avoid Malaysia like the plague.
You know something - once outside the perimeters of Malaysia, these malay savages are so small in value even a dog has more value than them!
It is undeniable that malays are stupid, lazy and incapable. Why don't they just humbly admit the facts and repent and learn from other races especially Chinese?
What is the point to argue here and wasting time again?
From the first onwards we were merely telling the truths. It wasn't us who think that way but their own Pak Lah as well.
All malays should go and read the newspaper, even Pak Lah is ashamed of maintaining the NEP after 34 years of implementing it and these malay baboons are still asking for it.
Even Pak Lah wanted them to compete on a level playing field.
So what does all these tell the world? It sends a very clear message that it is malays themselves who are incapable and lazy and they don't even want to admit it and make a change!
That is the biggest shame of all.
Can't you see, it is all back to square one. Year in, year out, some talk for half an hour, some one, some two. Some sing, many belt out their most recent released 'pantun'.
After all. Malays are good at that. Suggestions after suggestions, some good, some impossible to realize.
But, do you see any of these materialised? Hardly. Why, why and why???
Because the malays can never change. Never! Why?
The leaders forgot or were it they simply didn't want to admit and address that the actual disease is the malays and the remedy itself is also, the malays. They can never change. What is it about the malays?
Firstly as you all know, they are a lazy species. Since the beginning of time they have been like that. Even the encyclopedia called them as lazy people. I think those British with their accent tried to call them 'malas', and if you put 'y' in, it becomes 'malays'.
Embracing Islam make them a worse lot. Now they have a license to kill anything that gets into their way.
Malays are ungrateful lot. In reality, they just can't live or open their minds for others. When Mahathir said that they are complacent, they put him in jail. When Mahathir encouraged them to learn English language, they got angry with him, saying it is a 'bahasa penjajah'.
When other races 'maju', they got angry with them too. That was why at the end of Mahathir his regime, he said this, "I have achieved greatness as a prime minister, but I only fail in one thing, changing the malays."
Well, nothing to be surprised about anyway since Mahathir is not really a malay, and I guess that was why the malays were angry with him.
Drug abuse, hate, incest, liberal extremism (culture of miniskirts and gay marriages), murder, racism, rape, religious fanaticism, parochialism, snatch theft, spoilt-bratty behavior, tribalism, wife abuse, child abuse, all that is associated with the malay race.
To them, malay is the biggest impediment towards building a truly Malaysian nation, and should be chucked into the dustbins of history.
A genetically flawed race cannot be fixed by politically. Nature will take its course and globalization will put them out to pasture.
What have we got now?
Brain drain, economic disparity getting wider, poor education system, racial segregation, widespread corruption, inefficiency and uncompetitive on the government departments and others.
Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this - Why can't you just tell the malay peoples to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?
From research, this peninsular was part of the Siamese empire way before these malays from Indonesia invaded it.
Still so thick skin, don't want to go back to Indonesia!
Oh well, after reading the messages from our chinese brothers, the Malaise will probably complain to the Singapore government to catch those reponsible for insulting, creating tension amongst the races (*sulking*). Well I have bad news for you.... You are actually complaining to a Chinese Government. Like we always say, MALAISE ARE STUPID.... They will never learn and admit their mistake and repent....
Hey idiots!!Wen u want to talk about my Malay Race.Better be more specific.How can u stereotype Malaysian Malays and Singapore Malays the same.I'm a proud Singaporean being in this country!We work day n night just to support our living.We dun shake legs n get bumis.For goodness sake,i have lots of friends of diff races n i can mix well with them.Why must u judge if the person is yellow brown or black??It doesn't matter!!U racists rednecks are spreading racial tension!!Birdbrains!!Idiots!!Pure idiots!!
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