Saturday, July 16, 2005

A Reassessment on MY Theory of Evolution

Alright..there has been lots of fiery comments on my think..I have to rethink about my theory of evolution..alright..I'm going to use two theories here..the most widely..socially accepted theory..being the christian theory..or rather..BELIEF..of Adam and Eve apple story blah blah blah..and Darwin's Theory of Evolution..the one..being man's evolution from apes..blah blah am merging the two different ? Here it is..I shall employ the use of the christian theory here as an explanation to why us humans all of you know..the theory is that..Adam and Eve (you know the rest)..thats why we exist..but..MY theory here is that..I acknowledge the above actually happening..BUT..BUT..I believe that..somewhere along the line..the process was degenerated into something else..something along the lines of Darwin's Theory of Evolution..what I'm suggesting ? I am suggesting that..that talk about us evolving from apes ? It only applies to a certain INFERIOR SPECIES of humans..THEY evolve from apes..who am I talking about ? ( you all know whats coming don't you ? :D ) Why..I'm talking about the MALAYS OF COURSE !! M-A-L-A-YS !!!! was at some point of the reproduction line from Adam and Eve that the process was disrupted..degenerated and distorted. It branched off into Darwin's Theory of Evolution...what I'm saying here is..simply..the line of reproduction was disrupted and branched out..and slowly..the primates were evolving into humans..but of inferior quality..STRICTLY inferior quality..with deeper regards to intellectual properties.Yep..I don't need to explain why malays are much more lacking in the brain department do I ? So sum it the beginning..there was a reproduction line..but somewhere along that spawned another branch..and that branch began producing inferior products which gradually evolved into what we call today..The Malays.(A slight digression here.You can see clearly that the malay population has somewhat retained their primitive ape-like qualities..with their simple brains and of course..reproduction efficiency,which here..equals Animal Sex Drive..not to mention the fact that they display their affection for each other in a most blatant manner and their religious beliefs coming from a man who claims to be a prophet receiving messages from Allah.)Yep..thats just about it..that my reassessed theory on evolution..all criticism to be received at the tagboard.So away.Be my guest.
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